19 Kasım 2018 Pazartesi

Specific food and our health

Despite our ‘health regimented’ intentions or following of undesirable orders, eventually we tend to end up doing what we want to do anyway. In this case, smothering peanut butter on toast to accommodate our love of a specific food and our need for energy.


Limitation, exclusion and extreme conservatism are things you are told you need to do in order to improve your diet. Whilst this is true for fat loss in that decreased calorie consumption = more fat loss, when it comes to foods you adore, extreme restriction can be difficult. You’re told you cannot eat a certain food, but you enjoy it. You’re told you can only eat minuscule portions, but you want more.

Let me tell you something. If deprived, you will eventually eat your desired portion of that food. And the longer you deprive yourself of it, the more likely you are to take excessive consumption of it to the realms of extortion. -

Sometimes progression is about accepting that you will eat your favourite calorie dense foods because naturally, you enjoy those foods. Taking this exactly for what it is can enable one to find peace. So much so that one will be able to think rationally about the relationship between palatable desire and their fitness goal. Thus, calm rationality and application of logic can enable one to strike an informed compromise. -

Whilst one’s body composition is entirely defined physiological responses to energy in vs energy out, it is one’s mind (and the decisions it makes) which start the process. -

Acceptance and nutritional awareness can therefore shift one’s mindset from from unnecessary anxious deprivation and misery to clear appreciation of one’s own necessity to consume enjoyed foods and improve health. If the mind is rational and clear, there’s a good chance that the rest of one’s nutritional journey will follow a similar path. Compromise can mediate many of life’s problems, including one’s enjoyment of food in relation to overall health.

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